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Take off Your Mask Story: “You’re not the only one”

In the middle of seventh grade I started getting bullied by some of my class mates. I already had depression and anxiety. But it got worse. I had started to harm myself. At that time I was being called a psychopath, and a few other things I would not like to say. My home life was already bad, my mom would always be yelling at me, and my sister and I barely spoke to each other, my dad didn’t have a job. So we didn’t have much money. When the bullying first started I didn’t tell my family. I didn’t even tell them about me self-harming my myself. I had hid myself in sweaters for months, because of the scars on my arms. There were days that I wouldn’t sleep, because I was afraid of what was to come, the next day at school. One day at school, I was asking one of my friends where some scissors were, and one of the people who bullied me decided to answer that, telling the whole class that the scissors were on my wrists. That really hurt me, because that was a sensitive spot in my heart. There were days where people would just call me a psychopath, when I was calmly talking to one of my friends. My sister had gone on a school trip for a few days, so when my parents were sleeping I cut myself, and I cried a lot. I had told my best friend the next day at school. Because I couldn’t hold it in anymore. But a few weeks later she told me that she didn’t want to talk to me until I was done being suicidal. And that took a while. But when it was starting to get worse, my sister invited me to our towns youth group. So I went, and it helped me. I no longer harmed myself, but when times get hard, I occasionally think about it. I told my parents I needed a therapist, and after the first session I told my parents about everything. I told them about my self harm, the bullying, and how I’ve been hurt for a long time. I had recently been somewhere, where Jason was speaking, and his story touched my heart. And during the time he was speaking, I learned that, God will help me out of the storms I’m in. I just have to trust him. Thank you so much Jason.